Sara Beth Caldwell, Treasurer

Sara Beth began her journey at The Bridge to Recovery in February 2016. . Before coming to The Bridge, she received her Bachelor’s in Elementary Educa9on from Western Kentucky and taught school for 5 years. Sara Beth is very ac9ve in her own recovery which began in January of 2013.

She enjoys sharing her personal experiences through her addic9ons to help others to recover from their own. Her true passion is assis9ng and watching others overcome their obstacles. She volunteers at the local Humane Society and devotes lots of her 9me helping the homeless. When she is not working, Sara Beth loves to be with her family, spending 9me at the lake, and kayaking down local rivers.

Contact Information

Treatment Professionals in Alumni Services
PO Box 1152
Salida, CO 81201
‪(970) 591-3643‬


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