Jim Geckler

Jim Geckler is Vice President for Onsite in Nashville, Tennessee. Jim has 25 years of success in
the management and growth of treatment organiza9ons. Most recently, he served as CEO of
Harmony Founda9on in Colorado.

Over his impressive career, Jim has served as the Director of Pa9ent, Alumni, and Community
Rela9ons at Hazelden BeLy Ford Founda9on, Execu9ve Director/COO of Assistance in Recovery,
and VP of Business Opera9ons for Addic9on Interven9on Services. He has a track record of
leading with heart and is admired within the space for his character, integrity, and ability to
produce results by priori9zing quality services and team culture.

Contact Information

Treatment Professionals in Alumni Services
PO Box 1152
Salida, CO 81201
‪(970) 591-3643‬


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