A Family Problem Requires a Family Solution


When a loved one struggles with addiction, families tend to focus their energy and attention on getting that person well. Most believe that if their loved one finds help, then everyone else will be okay. 

Many family members can see the negative impact and consequences of addiction on their loved ones but find it difficult to see the depth of how they’ve been affected. If families aren’t getting support for themselves, the fear that they’ve had about their loved one finding recovery often becomes fear about whether their loved one will maintain it. 

Without an understanding of the disease, families often end up reacting as they did when their loved one was still in active addiction.

This session will look at how families are affected by the disease of addiction, and how to help families finding support for themselves.

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Contact Information

Treatment Professionals in Alumni Services
PO Box 1152
Salida, CO 81201
‪(970) 591-3643‬


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