Skills & Process Management

Creating an Alumni Board

Enhance your treatment program with an alumni board. Who should be on such an advisory body and how can board members make your program more cost-effective? Boards can produce and manage strategic goals of alumni programs while members of alumni...

Family Inclusion

Addiction is a family disease and that goes for alumni programs as well. Family members can play an important role and when they are engaged in the recovery process, positive outcomes are more likely. Once patients are discharged from rehab, the...

Ethics and Confidentiality

The Federal government created confidentiality laws to protect patient information under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) of 1996, which all federally assisted addiction treatment centers must follow. Alumni programs...

Contact Information

Treatment Professionals in Alumni Services
PO Box 1152
Salida, CO 81201
‪(970) 591-3643‬


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