Where do you start if your treatment program doesn’t have an alumni program yet? How do you revive alumni services that have been in the doldrums for a while? We discuss the challenges, opportunities, process and activities.
Rehab alumni programs help maintain relationships between former patients, current patients, and staff. They promote both the rehab center and the recovery of its patients. What are the basic requirements for such an alumni program?
In order to continue on the path of recovery they worked so hard to reach, patients should ideally participate in some form of aftercare program. One option is to become part of an alumni community. But not all alumni programs are equally...
Addiction is a chronic brain disease and relapsing into substance use is quite common. Often, such a relapse is seen by the patient as failing at recovery. Thomas Edison once said, “Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close...
The recovery industry suffers high turnover rates for many positions, largely because of emotional stress leading to compassion fatigue and burnout. This phenomenon includes alumni coordinators. Part of staying healthy should be appropriate self...
A short history of the publication of the “Big Book” (Alcoholics Anonymous) in 1939 and his approach to modernize the Twelve Steps. He has been rectifying what he considers inconsistencies in the original Big Book, and has updated the language for a...