In treatment centers across the country, Alumni professionals have a variety of roles and responsibilities. In this workshop, we will focus on your roles as an Alumni Group Facilitator and Alumni Recovery Support Advocates. Join...
An informative presentation on building an effective alumni program specifically tailored for adolescent treatment settings. In this session, we will explore the unique challenges and considerations involved in creating a supportive and engaging...
When a loved one struggles with addiction, families tend to focus their energy and attention on getting that person well. Most believe that if their loved one finds help, then everyone else will be okay. Many family members can see the negative...
AbstractIn this work shop, alumni and aftercare professionals get to learn the foundational aspects of building a peer support program. TPAS Member GreeneStone Centre For Recovery has developed a successful system and they want to share it with you...
During this session, we explore: Creative ideas and discussion on programming Considerations for professionals brand new in their role and/or working in new organizations Connecting to their mission and vision of an alumni program and how to...
In this workshop, Leonard Bade shares the most successful tools that attract and retain alumni involvement with each other, the patients, and the program. This session contains a combination of tried and true modalities, as well as more innovative...
Grief Recovery and Gentle Path through the 12 Principles offer two types of workshops that can provide enlightening content for an alumni gathering.
September is Recovery Month and we discussed how to make it more than just a Facebook post by your program. What are ways we can use the resources that are provided and how do we align our curriculum to it in September? We tackle this together at...
Is it possible to remove the stigma around addiction by making your alumni ambassadors of positivity in the community?
The last step in the 12-Step tradition declares that as the result of working the Steps, recovering addicts experience a spiritual awakening that compels them to carry to others the message of spiritual connectedness. For example, volunteering while...