Founder and president of LO Group, Inc., Lorie provides consultation and coaching services to organizations and individuals in the area of addiction recovery management. Consultation services for addiction treatment organizations focus on the design, development, and implementation of robust recovery support and alumni services programs. For her coaching clients, Lorie developed an 8 step collaborative curriculum in which clients learn to set goals, create action plans and use self-management skills to create a joyful, balanced life in recovery.
In her past position at CeDAR, Center for Dependency, Addiction and Rehabilitation, Lorie pioneered an innovative Recovery Support Services program that includes a recovery curriculum for patients and recovery coaching services for alumni. Lorie is also the founder of TPAS, Treatment Professional in Alumni Services, a national organization that champions long term recovery support programs and initiatives. She serves on the Board of TPAS as well as on the Board of RCI, Recovery Coaches International.