Self Care for YOU!

2013 Collaborative Session Notes 

Self Care

Conveners: Tim McLeod, Sierra Tucson  [email protected]

Lori Obernauer, LO Group, [email protected]

Scribe: Sabrina Mathis, Foundations Recovery Network  [email protected]


Make sure to separate your work with recovery and your own recovery

Build a spiritual conditioning because the day to day is very toxic and will cause you to become burn out

Bridge to Recovery in Santa Barbara has a 3 day program for their staff

One common thing is that we as care givers don’t know how to give our own self the care we need

Time for ourselves: don’t judge ourselves, don’t make a commitment to others during our “me” time, put it on your calendar and stick to it!

“The antidote for exhaustion is not necessarily rest but whole-heartedness”

Self-care does not necessarily have to mean physical activities like going to the gym or sports

– “Find the thing that lights your fire” — what makes you happy

The Whole Life Challenge

Circle represents 24 hours in a day

Each small circle is an aspect of your life you are making time for: work, family, sleep, hobby, etc. At some point you begin to try to squeeze in time and effort to begin taking care of yourself (physically, emotionally, and mentally). With Whole Life Challenge you rethink the process. The circle instead becomes Health and Well-being and everything you do on a day to day basis becomes a principle that relates back to health and well-being. Shift your mind-set so that health and well-being is everything that you do instead of trying to find time to fit it in.

Our Own Therapy Suggestions:

– Art classes

– Do-it-yourself projects (Make something, sewing, wood working, etc.)

– Having shared experiences with friends

– Go running/jogging/walking – physical well being

– Reading

– Meditating

– Photography

– Listening to music

– Dancing

– ???? The possibilities are endless!!!!

2014 Collaborative Session Notes 

Convener:  Frankie Grundler, CEO, A New Path

Scribe: Felicia Kleinpeter

Participants: Courtney Wood      Sam Woodbury      Bill Kinloch
Krystle Connor     Lorie Obernauer       Murry Sandlin
Stephanie Schoemaker     Neena Wilcox     Kris Kampf
Marsha Morris      Michael Lee       Kristin Smith
Jordan Spektor     Carver Brown      Lauren Kirschberg
Dave Alexander     Ami Gilland        Chris Rueckert


Frankie came from a workplace (residential construction) that was an organization driven by fear, which was a negative motivator.  Now at A New Path he has a team he depends on.

  • Transformed thinking from “have to go to work” to “get to go to work.” It’s an awesome, supportive environment thanks to wellness and self-care.
  • Motivator is being a part of something; needs being met.

What’s working:

  1. Clients/patients see staff modeling self-care.
  2. It’s part of A New Path’s benefits package:
  3. $1000 to be used on wellness (ski pass, gym membership, massages, etc.)
  4. Access to recovery coaching (how to show up and support other people)
  5. Trips for team building and restorative fun
  6. Results:
  7. Retain team members much longer.
  8. Quality and excitement for life from team has greatly increased.
  9. Reduced burnout.

Staff Meetings:

  • Recognize and eliminate shame to seek self-care. Do our own work.
  • Ask attendees what they need to create a safe space.
  • Vulnerability, transparency – share openly about where we are personally and professionally.
  • Sober fun/team building.

Two Hatter Meetings:

  • Work in treatment/in AA – wear two different hats
  • Issues with steps, things going on in their lives
  • Open place to discuss things with co-workers
  • Providing structure in meetings
  • Corral in the discussion and focus
  • Sticking to it – responsibility in that – better self-care and balance.

Question:  Who does something related to your organization on your day off?  90% of people raised their hands.

What Frankie does: Plans two days off in a row and doesn’t respond to texts unless an emergency.  Makes himself and his life a priority as part of his recovery and wellness.

Healthy boundaries:

  • Phone – no noise or vibration. Turn off at 8 pm.  Not available on day off. Addiction to phones comes from not feeling good enough – “If I’m not available, I’ll lose my job.”
  • Email – only update when you want to.


  • There are other people in the world who are competent and take care of things. Set things up to be successful to do that.
  • Giving ourselves permission to take care of ourselves. It is not selfish to do self-care.  When running at full steam, set a timer for 15-20 minutes and give yourself quiet time – music, closed eyes, closed door.  Encourage staff to do the same.

Successful CEO – list of priorities (mission over margin):

  1. God
  2. Recovery/AA
  3. Family
  4. Friends
  5. Work

It is important to take care of yourself and for the facility to take care of itself.  This is demanding work!

  1. What are you willing to do to hang in there?
  2. How do I keep the passion alive/stay fit/stay engaged?
  3. How can you be honest with yourself about what you need?


Spring 2015 Collaborative Session Notes


Convener: Brian O’Shea, New Beginnings, [email protected]


Baars, Theo Westbridge [email protected]
Chaffee, Heidi Astoria Pointe [email protected]
Gallant, Keith Futures [email protected]
Gates, Chris MAP [email protected]
Hutts, David Benchmark [email protected]
Kimbrough, Shea The Refuge [email protected]
Placencia, Tammy Hazelden/Betty Ford [email protected]


List 3 (or more) important ideas offered by the convener.

  1. You must put your oxygen mask on first before you can help others, SELF-CARE!
  2. Give yourself permission to unplug for 36 hours every 4-6 weeks.
  3. Find what works for you, massage, mindful walking, etc.
  4. Be careful and mindful of who you surround yourself with.
  5. Be mindful of your breathing
  6. Say positive things/read positive things (Richo is a good author for this)
  8. Find power places that fuel you!

List 3 (or more) great ideas offered by the participants.

  1. You are a product of your spiritual condition. Be aware of your “red flags” and deal with them
  2. Look at your calendar every day and see if there is anything that will cause stress and fear and make a plan/strategy for it
  3. Mindfulness app that goes off once an hour that reminds you to step back, breathe, and take inventory of yourself
  4. Plan fun things with your friends
  5. Workout/get into a routine
  6. Claim 10-15 minutes a day just for you
  7. Think about what you are grateful for when you begin to have self-talk that is negative
  8. Make your self-care part of your everyday

Contact Information

Treatment Professionals in Alumni Services
PO Box 1152
Salida, CO 81201
‪(970) 591-3643‬


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